Unlocking the Power of Gitlab CI: A Comprehensive Guide to Artefacts
Image by Carmeli - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Gitlab CI: A Comprehensive Guide to Artefacts

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Welcome to the world of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)! In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of Gitlab CI and explore one of its most powerful features: artefacts. By the end of this journey, you’ll be well-equipped to harness the full potential of Gitlab CI artefacts and take your software development process to the next level.

What are Gitlab CI Artefacts?

In Gitlab CI, artefacts refer to the files generated by your pipeline that can be preserved and reused across different stages or even projects. These artefacts can be anything from compiled binaries to generated documentation, and they play a crucial role in streamlining your CI/CD workflow.

    # Example of a Gitlab CI script that generates an artefact
      - build
      - deploy

      stage: build
        - mkdir artefact
        - touch artefact/file.txt
        - ls -l artefact/
          - artefact/

Why Use Gitlab CI Artefacts?

So, why should you care about artefacts in Gitlab CI? Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Improved Pipeline Efficiency: By preserving artefacts, you can avoid unnecessary recompilation and reuse the results of previous pipeline runs, reducing the overall execution time.
  • Simplified Debugging: Artefacts provide a snapshot of your pipeline’s output, making it easier to diagnose issues and debug problems.
  • Faster Deployment: With artefacts, you can deploy your application more quickly, as the pre-built binaries can be directly deployed to your production environment.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Artefacts enable teams to share and reuse common components, promoting collaboration and reducing duplication of effort.

Types of Gitlab CI Artefacts

Gitlab CI supports various types of artefacts, including:

Type Description
Files Individual files generated by your pipeline, such as compiled binaries or configuration files.
Directories Entire directories containing multiple files, which can be reused across different stages.
Reports Specialized artefacts for reporting purposes, such as code coverage reports or test results.
Manual artefacts Artefacts manually uploaded by users, often used for sharing files between projects or teams.

Defining Artefacts in Your Gitlab CI Script

To define artefacts in your Gitlab CI script, you’ll need to add an `artifacts` section to your job definition.

      stage: build
        - mkdir artefact
        - touch artefact/file.txt
        - ls -l artefact/
          - artefact/
        expire_in: 1 week

In this example, the `artifacts` section specifies the `paths` to the artefact files and sets an expiration time of 1 week.

Using Artefacts in Your Pipeline

Now that you’ve defined your artefacts, it’s time to put them to use in your pipeline!

      stage: deploy
        - ls -l artefact/
        - deploy artefact/file.txt to production

In this example, the `deploy-job` uses the artefact generated in the previous stage, `build-job`, to deploy the `file.txt` to production.

Best Practices for Working with Artefacts

To get the most out of artefacts in your Gitlab CI pipeline, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep artefacts organized: Use clear and descriptive names for your artefacts, and organize them in a logical directory structure.
  2. Use artefacts to simplify debugging: Preserve artefacts for debugging purposes, making it easier to diagnose issues and identify problems.
  3. Optimize artefact storage: Use expiration times to manage artefact storage and avoid cluttering your repository with unnecessary files.
  4. Document artefacts: Provide clear documentation for your artefacts, including their purpose, format, and usage.

Common Challenges and Solutions

As you work with artefacts in your Gitlab CI pipeline, you may encounter some common challenges. Here are some solutions to help you overcome them:

Challenge Solution
Artefact size is too large Use compression tools, like gzip or zip, to reduce the artefact size.
Artefact storage is exceeding limits Implement an artefact retention policy, setting expiration times or using external storage solutions.
Difficult to manage artefacts across multiple stages Use artefact dependencies to link artefacts across stages, ensuring consistency and reducing errors.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of Gitlab CI artefacts, covering their definition, types, and best practices. By mastering artefacts, you’ll be able to streamline your CI/CD workflow, improve pipeline efficiency, and enhance collaboration within your team.

Remember, artefacts are a powerful tool in Gitlab CI, and with the right approach, they can revolutionize the way you develop and deploy software. So, go ahead, unlock the full potential of Gitlab CI artefacts, and take your software development to new heights!

Happy building!

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    . The article is written in a creative tone and provides clear and direct instructions and explanations, making it easy for readers to understand and implement the concepts.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Get the lowdown on GitLab CI and artefacts with our expert Q&A session!

    What are artefacts in GitLab CI?

    In GitLab CI, artefacts are files or directories that are generated during a pipeline run. These artefacts can be stored and used across multiple jobs or even shared between pipelines. Think of them as the tangible outputs of your pipeline's hard work!

    How do I define artefacts in my .gitlab-ci.yml file?

    Easy peasy! In your .gitlab-ci.yml file, you can define artefacts using the `artefacts` keyword followed by a list of files or directories. For example, `artefacts: paths: [report.html, screenshots/]` will store the `report.html` file and the entire `screenshots` directory as artefacts. Voilà!

    Can I use artefacts from a previous job in my pipeline?

    You bet! In GitLab CI, you can use artefacts from a previous job by specifying the `dependencies` keyword in your job definition. For instance, `dependencies: [job: my-job, artefact: report.html]` will fetch the `report.html` artefact from the `my-job` job. This way, you can chain jobs together and reuse artefacts to your heart's content!

    How long do artefacts get stored in GitLab CI?

    By default, artefacts are stored for 30 days in GitLab CI. However, you can customize this retention period by setting the `expire_in` option in your .gitlab-ci.yml file. For example, `artefacts: expire_in: 1 week` will store artefacts for a week. You can also set up artefact archiving for long-term storage. Phew, talk about flexibility!

    Can I download artefacts from the GitLab UI?

    Yes, you can! In the GitLab UI, navigate to your pipeline details page and click on the " Artefacts" tab. From there, you can download individual artefacts or all artefacts zipped together. This feature comes in handy when you need to share artefacts with team members or stakeholders. Go ahead, download away!