Middleware Redirects Not Working in NextJS App-Based Routing? Let’s Fix It!
Image by Carmeli - hkhazo.biz.id

Middleware Redirects Not Working in NextJS App-Based Routing? Let’s Fix It!

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Are you frustrated with middleware redirects not working in your NextJS app-based routing? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of NextJS middleware and routing, and provide you with step-by-step instructions to get those redirects working smoothly.

Understanding NextJS Middleware and Routing

To understand why middleware redirects might not be working, let’s first take a step back and understand how NextJS middleware and routing work together.

In NextJS, middleware functions are executed in the order they are defined in the next.config.js file. These functions can modify the request and response objects, allowing you to perform tasks such as authentication, rate limiting, and redirection.

module.exports = {
  middleware: [
    ({ req, res }) => {
      // Middleware function 1
    ({ req, res }) => {
      // Middleware function 2

NextJS routing, on the other hand, is based on the file system. When a request is made, NextJS looks for a matching page in the pages directory. If a match is found, the corresponding page is rendered.

Middleware Redirects Not Working? Common Issues and Solutions

Now that we have a basic understanding of NextJS middleware and routing, let’s dive into some common issues that might be causing middleware redirects not to work.

Issue 1: Middleware Function Order

Are you defining your middleware functions in the correct order? Remember, middleware functions are executed in the order they are defined. If you’re defining your redirect middleware function after another middleware function that modifies the request or response, it might not work as expected.

Solution: Move your redirect middleware function to the top of the middleware array to ensure it’s executed first.

module.exports = {
  middleware: [
    ({ req, res }) => {
      // Redirect middleware function
      if (req.url === '/old-url') {
        res.writeHead(302, { Location: '/new-url' });
    ({ req, res }) => {
      // Other middleware function

Issue 2: Incorrect Redirect Status Code

Are you using the correct redirect status code? NextJS supports several redirect status codes, including 301, 302, 303, 307, and 308. Make sure you’re using the correct one for your use case.

Solution: Use the correct redirect status code for your use case. For example, use 301 for permanent redirects and 302 for temporary redirects.

module.exports = {
  middleware: [
    ({ req, res }) => {
      // Redirect middleware function
      if (req.url === '/old-url') {
        res.writeHead(301, { Location: '/new-url' });

Issue 3: Routing Priority

Are you aware of the routing priority in NextJS? Pages take priority over middleware functions. If you have a page with the same URL as your redirect, it will take priority and your redirect won’t work.

Solution: Use a unique URL for your redirect or use the rewrite option in your next.config.js file to rewrite the URL.

module.exports = {
  rewrite: async () => {
    return [
        source: '/old-url',
        destination: '/new-url',

Issue 4: Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Are you using server-side rendering (SSR) in your NextJS app? SSR can cause issues with middleware redirects, especially if you’re using getServerSideProps.

Solution: Use the redirect option in your getServerSideProps function to perform redirects on the server-side.

import { NextPageContext } from 'next';

export const getServerSideProps = async ({ req, res }: NextPageContext) => {
  if (req.url === '/old-url') {
    return {
      redirect: {
        destination: '/new-url',
        permanent: true,
  return { props: {} };

Best Practices for Middleware Redirects in NextJS

Now that we’ve covered common issues and solutions, let’s discuss some best practices for middleware redirects in NextJS.

1. Use a Centralized Redirect System

Instead of defining redirects in multiple places, create a centralized redirect system using a single middleware function or a dedicated redirect module.

module.exports = {
  middleware: [

2. Use Environment Variables

Use environment variables to configure your redirects. This allows you to easily switch between different redirect configurations for development, staging, and production environments.

module.exports = {
  middleware: [
    ({ req, res }) => {
      if (process.env.REDIRECT_OLD_URL) {
        res.writeHead(301, { Location: process.env.REDIRECT_NEW_URL });

3. Log Redirects

Log redirects to monitor and debug redirect issues. This can be especially helpful in production environments where issues might not be immediately apparent.

module.exports = {
  middleware: [
    ({ req, res }) => {
      if (req.url === '/old-url') {
        console.log(`Redirecting from ${req.url} to /new-url`);
        res.writeHead(301, { Location: '/new-url' });


Middleware redirects not working in your NextJS app-based routing? Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world! By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to identify and fix common issues, and implement best practices for middleware redirects in NextJS.

Remember to keep your middleware functions organized, use the correct redirect status codes, and log redirects for debugging purposes. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be redirecting like a pro in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use middleware redirects with NextJS API routes?

A: Yes, you can use middleware redirects with NextJS API routes. Simply define your middleware function in the next.config.js file and it will apply to both page and API routes.

Q: How do I redirect to an external URL?

A: To redirect to an external URL, simply use the res.writeHead function with the external URL as the Location header value. For example:

module.exports = {
  middleware: [
    ({ req, res }) => {
      if (req.url === '/old-url') {
        res.writeHead(301, { Location: 'https://example.com/new-url' });

Q: Can I use middleware redirects with NextJS internationalization (i18n)?

A: Yes, you can use middleware redirects with NextJS internationalization (i18n). Simply define your middleware function in the next.config.js file and it will apply to both page and API routes, regardless of the language or locale.

Issue Solution
Middleware function order Move redirect middleware function to the top of the middleware array
Incorrect redirect status code Use the correct redirect status code for your use case (e.g., 301 for permanent redirects)
Routing priority Use a unique URL for your redirect or use the rewrite option in your next.config.js file
Server-side rendering (SSR) Use the redirect option in your getServerSideProps function to perform redirects on the server-side

By following this guide, you should be able to overcome common issues with middleware redirects in NextJS app-based routing and implement best practices for redirecting users to their desired destinations.

Here are the 5 Q&A’s about “Middleware redirects not working in NextJS app based routing”:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with middleware redirects in your NextJS app? We’ve got you covered! Below are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why are my middleware redirects not working in NextJS?

This is likely because NextJS is not designed to work with redirects in middleware by default. You need to use the `next()` function to continue the request pipeline, or `return next()` to immediately stop the execution and return a response.

How do I debug middleware redirects in NextJS?

To debug middleware redirects, you can use the `console.log` function to print messages at different points in your middleware function. This will help you understand where the issue is occurring. Additionally, you can use a debugging tool like `next-debug` to visualize the request pipeline.

Can I use middleware redirects to redirect to an external URL?

Yes, you can use middleware redirects to redirect to an external URL. However, you need to ensure that the redirect is a full URL, including the protocol (e.g., `https://www.example.com`) and not a relative URL. Additionally, you may need to set the `Location` header with the `next()` function.

How do I handle redirect loops in middleware?

To handle redirect loops in middleware, you can use a counter to track the number of redirects and stop the execution if the count exceeds a certain limit. Alternatively, you can use a `Set` to keep track of visited URLs and prevent infinite redirects.

Can I use middleware redirects in a Server-Side Rendered (SSR) NextJS app?

Yes, you can use middleware redirects in a Server-Side Rendered (SSR) NextJS app. However, you need to ensure that the redirect is handled on the server-side, and the client-side rendering is not affected. You can use the `next` function to handle server-side redirects.