How to Get Rid of Debug Messages from Libraries in Elixir Script: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Carmeli -

How to Get Rid of Debug Messages from Libraries in Elixir Script: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re an Elixir developer, you’ve probably encountered the frustrating issue of debug messages from libraries flooding your console. These messages can be distracting, make it difficult to focus on your code, and even slow down your development process. But fear not, dear Elixir enthusiast! In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind these pesky messages and provide you with concrete steps to eliminate them once and for all.

Why Do Debug Messages Appear in the First Place?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand why these debug messages appear in the first place. There are two primary reasons:

  • Library developers want to provide useful information: Library developers often include debug messages to help users troubleshoot issues or understand how their code works. These messages can be helpful during development, but they can become a nuisance in production environments.
  • Debugging is enabled by default: Elixir’s built-in logging mechanism, Logger, has debugging enabled by default. This means that when you use a library, it will automatically log debug messages unless you explicitly configure it not to.

Methods to Get Rid of Debug Messages

Now that we understand the reasons behind debug messages, let’s explore the methods to eliminate them:

Method 1: Configure Logger to Ignore Debug Messages

The simplest way to get rid of debug messages is to configure Logger to ignore them. You can do this by adding the following code to your `config.exs` file:

config :logger,
  level: :info

This sets the logging level to `:info`, which means that Logger will only log messages with a level of `:info` or higher, effectively ignoring debug messages.

Method 2: Use the `debugger` Option with `Logger`

Alternatively, you can use the `debugger` option with `Logger` to disable debugging for specific modules or applications. For example, if you want to disable debugging for the `MyApp` module, you can add the following code to your `config.exs` file:

config :logger, :debugger, [
  MODULE: MyApp,
  enabled: false

This will disable debugging for the `MyApp` module, and you won’t see any debug messages from that module.

Method 3: Use the `log_level` Option with Library Configurations

Some libraries, such as Ecto, allow you to configure the log level using the `log_level` option. For example, if you’re using Ecto and want to disable debug messages, you can add the following code to your `config.exs` file:

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  log_level: :info

This sets the log level for Ecto to `:info`, effectively ignoring debug messages.

As a last resort, you can monkey patch the library to disable debugging. This involves modifying the library’s code to remove or disable the debug messages. However, this approach is not recommended, as it can lead to maintainability issues and conflicts with future library updates.

Method Pros Cons
Configure Logger Easy to implement, affects all libraries May affect other logging configurations
Use debugger Option Allows fine-grained control, affects specific modules Requires configuration for each module
Use log_level Option Easy to implement, affects specific libraries Not available for all libraries
Monkey Patch Library Allows fine-grained control, affects specific libraries Not recommended, leads to maintainability issues

Best Practices for Managing Debug Messages

To avoid debug messages from libraries in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Configure Logger appropriately: Set the logging level to `:info` or higher to ignore debug messages. You can also use the `debugger` option to disable debugging for specific modules or applications.
  2. Check library configurations: Review the configuration options for each library you use and set the log level accordingly. This will help you avoid debug messages from specific libraries.
  3. Use a logging framework: Consider using a logging framework like Timber or Logfmt to manage your logs. These frameworks provide more control over logging and can help you ignore debug messages.
  4. Test your application in production mode: Before deploying your application, test it in production mode to ensure that debug messages are not appearing. This will help you catch any issues early on.


Debug messages from libraries can be frustrating, but with the right techniques, you can eliminate them and focus on what matters – building amazing Elixir applications. By configuring Logger, using the `debugger` option, setting log levels, and following best practices, you can avoid debug messages and streamline your development process. Remember, a clean console is a happy console!

Frequently Asked Question

Debug messages from libraries can be a real nuisance in Elixir scripts, cluttering up your console with unwanted information. But fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the solutions for you!

How do I disable debug messages from libraries in my Elixir script?

You can disable debug messages from libraries by adding the following line to your `config.exs` file: `config :logger, level: :info`. This sets the logging level to `:info`, which suppresses debug messages. Boom! Clean console, happy life!

What if I only want to disable debug messages from a specific library?

You can do that too! Just add a specific logger configuration for that library in your `config.exs` file. For example, to disable debug messages from the `ECTO` library, add this line: `config :logger, ecto_sql: :info`. Easy peasy!

Can I disable debug messages temporarily while running a specific task?

Absolutely! You can use the `Logger.configure/1` function to temporarily change the logging level for a specific task. For example, you can wrap your task in a `Logger.configure(level: :info)` block to disable debug messages while the task runs. Neat, huh?

How do I enable debug messages from libraries for a specific environment, like dev or test?

You can enable debug messages from libraries for a specific environment by adding environment-specific configurations in your `config.exs` file. For example, to enable debug messages in the dev environment, add this line: `config :logger, level: :debug, env: :dev`. Boom! Debug messages galore in dev mode!

What if I want to disable debug messages from libraries globally, for all my Elixir projects?

You can do that by adding a global `logger` configuration to your `~/.elixir/config` file. Just add the line `config :logger, level: :info` to that file, and voilà! Debug messages are gone for all your Elixir projects. Simple, yet powerful!

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