How to Run Both Storybook and Cypress in Headless Mode: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Carmeli -

How to Run Both Storybook and Cypress in Headless Mode: A Step-by-Step Guide

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If you’re a developer working on a modern web application, you’re likely familiar with the importance of testing and debugging. Two popular tools that can aid in this process are Storybook and Cypress. While they serve different purposes, they can be used together to streamline your development workflow. But, have you ever wondered how to run both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode? Wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up and running both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode.

What is Headless Mode?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s quickly cover what headless mode means. Headless mode refers to running an application or tool without a graphical user interface (GUI). In the context of Storybook and Cypress, running in headless mode allows you to automate tasks, run tests, and perform other actions without having to interact with a physical display. This is particularly useful for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, where automated testing and deployment are crucial.

Setting Up Storybook in Headless Mode

To run Storybook in headless mode, you’ll need to install the following dependencies:

  • storybook
  • @storybook/core
  • @storybook/react (if you’re using React)

Once you have these dependencies installed, create a new file called storybook.headless.js in the root of your project with the following content:

module.exports = {
  // ... other configurations ...
  mode: 'static',
  staticDir: './public',
  // Add this line to enable headless mode
  headless: true,

In this configuration file, we’re telling Storybook to run in static mode and generate static HTML files in the public directory. The headless: true line enables headless mode.

Running Storybook in Headless Mode

To run Storybook in headless mode, execute the following command in your terminal:

npx storybook --config ./storybook.headless.js

This command will start Storybook in headless mode, generating static HTML files for your components. You can then use these files for automated testing, deployment, or other purposes.

Setting Up Cypress in Headless Mode

To run Cypress in headless mode, you’ll need to install the following dependencies:

  • cypress
  • cypress-multi-projects (if you have multiple projects)

Once you have these dependencies installed, create a new file called cypress/support/index.js with the following content:

import './commands';

This file imports the Cypress commands, which are essential for running Cypress in headless mode.

In your cypress.json file, add the following configuration:

  "headless": true,
  "video": false,
  "screenshotsFolder": "cypress/screenshots",
  "chromeWebSecurity": false

In this configuration file, we’re telling Cypress to run in headless mode, disable video recording, and set the screenshots folder. We’re also disabling Chrome web security to allow Cypress to access local files.

Running Cypress in Headless Mode

To run Cypress in headless mode, execute the following command in your terminal:

npx cypress run --headless

This command will start Cypress in headless mode, running your tests without opening a browser window. You can use this command in your CI/CD pipeline to automate testing and deployment.

Running Both Storybook and Cypress in Headless Mode

Now that we’ve covered setting up and running both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode, let’s combine the two. Create a new file called headless.js in the root of your project with the following content:

const { exec } = require('child_process');

exec('npx storybook --config ./storybook.headless.js', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error(`exec error: ${error.returnCode}`);

  console.log(`Storybook generated static HTML files in public directory`);

  exec('npx cypress run --headless', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error(`exec error: ${error.returnCode}`);

    console.log(`Cypress tests completed`);

This script runs Storybook in headless mode, generating static HTML files, and then runs Cypress in headless mode, executing your tests.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the process of setting up and running both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode. By following these steps, you can automate testing, deployment, and other tasks in your CI/CD pipeline. Remember to adjust the configurations and scripts to fit your specific project needs.

Tool Command Description
Storybook npx storybook --config ./storybook.headless.js Runs Storybook in headless mode, generating static HTML files
Cypress npx cypress run --headless Runs Cypress in headless mode, executing tests
Both node headless.js Runs both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode, generating static HTML files and executing tests

By automating testing and deployment with Storybook and Cypress in headless mode, you can focus on developing and improving your application, while minimizing manual intervention.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues while running Storybook or Cypress in headless mode, here are some common solutions:

  1. Error: Cannot find module ‘react’

    Solution: Make sure you have installed the correct version of React and its dependencies.

  2. Error: Cypress failed to launch

    Solution: Check that you have installed the correct version of Cypress and its dependencies. Also, ensure that you have the correct browser installed and configured.

  3. Error: Storybook failed to generate static HTML files

    Solution: Check that you have installed the correct version of Storybook and its dependencies. Also, ensure that your configuration file is correct and that you have specified the correct output directory.

By following this guide and troubleshooting common issues, you should be able to run both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode, streamlining your development workflow and improving your application’s quality.

Frequently Asked Question

Running both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode can be a daunting task, but fear not, dear developer! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Can I run Storybook and Cypress in headless mode simultaneously?

Yes, you can! By using the `–headless` flag with Storybook and `–headless` or `CI=true` environment variable with Cypress, you can run both tools in headless mode at the same time. Just make sure to configure them to use different ports to avoid conflicts.

How do I configure Storybook to run in headless mode?

Easy peasy! Simply add the `–headless` flag when running your Storybook command, like this: `npx sb start –headless`. You can also add this flag to your `storybook.js` file or `package.json` script for a more permanent solution.

What environment variable do I need to set for Cypress to run in headless mode?

To run Cypress in headless mode, you need to set the `CI` environment variable to `true`. You can do this by adding `CI=true` to your command, like this: `CI=true npx cypress run`. Alternatively, you can use the `–headless` flag, like this: `npx cypress run –headless`.

Will I face any issues with Firefox when running both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode?

Firefox can be a bit finicky when it comes to headless mode. To avoid any issues, make sure to set the ` MOZ_HEADLESS` environment variable to `1` when running your commands. For example: `MOZ_HEADLESS=1 npx sb start –headless` and `MOZ_HEADLESS=1 CI=true npx cypress run`.

What are the benefits of running both Storybook and Cypress in headless mode?

Running both tools in headless mode can save you time and resources. With headless mode, you can automate your testing and development workflows, reducing the need for manual intervention. Plus, it allows you to run your tests and Storybook on CI/CD servers or in Docker containers, making it perfect for continuous integration and delivery pipelines.